Are you really the best you can be every day? No?
Me neither. Why?
Don’t answer that.
We all get days when hard seems easy and days when easy seems hard.
Every day is different. Which means your best is governed by context.
The challenge is to be our best within that context, particularly when we’re called upon to perform.
What do we mean by ‘perform’? For us, Performance means those times when we have, or need to, do something where there is an expected outcome – from ourselves or others.
That’s why we put together Dair Magazine. To help figure out ways to get better at delivering those outcomes.
Every article is, in one way or another, about performance – from learning about the people we sit on the side-lines to watch, to exploring the means we might be able to use to improve our own performance.
I hope you enjoy it. Most of all I hope you get something from it.
Editors note: If you’re reading this then you’ve probably received a copy of your Dair Performance Journal. We suggest you use the journal to write down things from the Magazine articles that make an impact on you or that you can use in some way. The paper’s also really nice for doodling on.
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